Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home/nnhoang/public_html/acad276/week3/movie_results.php on line 35
Warning: Undefined array key "rating" in /home/nnhoang/public_html/acad276/week3/movie_results.php on line 35
You searched for at
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home/nnhoang/public_html/acad276/week3/movie_results.php on line 40
Warning: Undefined array key "rating" in /home/nnhoang/public_html/acad276/week3/movie_results.php on line 41
SELECT title, genre, label, rating, sound
FROM dvd_titles, genres, labels, ratings, sounds
WHERE title LIKE '%'
AND rating = ''
SQL is all good... here come the results...
I've found 0 matches.